29.12.0912:57 pm
cheese, cheese, cheese cake~~~~=)))
Experience how a housewife's life like yesterday~~~~hahahaha~~~><
Did all the house works in the morning, went to library to read books in the afternoon. I bought an oreo cheesecake for myself while reading. I suddenly felt like to make cheesecake. haha~~~ I noe I am very random~~~LOL!!! Then I remembered tt germ got write a recipe for me, haha!!! I quickly packed my things and shoot to supermarket to buy ingredient~~~=))) Saw Jap curry in the supermarket also, felt like trying, so I bought some veges for the curry too~~~ahhahahaha~~~~XDDD
Ok, after a few hours of preparing, my lovely dinner is ready!!!!XDDDD
Presenting to you my first cheesecake~~~dang1 dang1 dang1 dang4~~~~<333333 href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi947X3-6cav0halkA_NEEdwW5ELrQlSwYUfJ_gOWaSaSQg6O0-VXoNZEXdD1fq5VZfwYD2ZEY9QN_2ahcxZGU42F27fNARZOcbTT2Yc4zCPiT6JtaOp5vSUTeraVF2UtAKqIfuIgakpmY/s1600-h/DSCF9960.JPG">
Camwhore with it~~~~hahahaha!!!><
Kiss kiss, Muaks~~~~^o^
Then start eating bah~~~>_@
试吃大会~~huhu~~yummy, yummy!!!!=)))))
Emmm, for the Jap curry, it tasted very nice, but it did not looked very nice, haha~~~ I shall practice some more, then can show off here next time~~~ahhahahahahaha~~~XPPPP
26.12.0912:30 pm
Chipmunks made me miss my doggyssss~~~~~=((((
Went to watch Alvin and chipmunks 2 yesterday!!! OMG the squirrels sooooo cute!!! Feel like hugging them~~~ahhahahaha!!!XDDDD
The female chipmunks are really hot when they dance, and the way they sing is very cute, even the harmony is soooooo cute!!!!!!<333333
I start to miss my dogs liao, nv hug them for 1 year le~~~5555~~~~=((((
I WANT A PUPPY!!!!!! ROAR~~~~~
21.12.091:44 pm
Life after As~~~
Was working for the Popular book fair in the past 10 days. The schedule was quite tight for me cos I still have to teach tuition on Sun morning! Basically the work requires me to work from 10am to 10pm, it was quite tiring, especially on Sun. I have to teach tuition from 9am to 2pm and rush to the book fair to sell E-dictionaries~~~ahhh~~~Tired~~~ I lost my voice and still have to talk to the customers~~~5555~~~ But, the paid was not bad, count all those commision and incentives, I probably earned 2k in tt 10 days~~~hahahaha=))))
Most importantly, I secured many other jobs for the rest of my holiday. Got a company selling children's books ask me to work as a promoter for them. The book is very interesting, it can talk when a special pointer touch it. I may consider this job, haha!!!=)) And also some of my customers ask me to give tuition to their kids, emm, this is interesting also, haha!!!=)))
Shall talk abt the kids in my tuition class, they really make me da4 kai1 yan3 jie4~~~ The p2 boys were talking abt PSP games in class, this was quite shocking, cos I only came across such things when I was in upper sec sch. Ok, I have to convince myself tt I AM OLD and the technology is too advanced in today. Anather random topic in tt class made me totally speechless, my dear little p2 boy was talking abt his GIRL FRIEND!!!! I was totally STUNT!!!! LOL!!! Primary 2 leh, not secondary 2!!!! wowwwww~~~~
Anyway, have to mug from today onwards for the SAT liao, but somehow, I find myself losing my motivations, always find excuses for myself to slack~~~haha~~~LOL!!! Again my house is not a good place to mug, but now I have no right to use the LEP room le, soooo sad!!!=((( Shall go library to mug from tml onwards, but, haix, no one accompany me~~~5555~~~=((( basically nobody is still mugging at this point of time~~~~haix~~~~sianzzzzz~~~~=((((((
8.12.099:08 am
bella sera~~~=)))
Prom was quite fun~~~~=))) So nice to noe so many new friends in the last school event!!! =)))
Everyone was very pretty yesterday!!!haha!!! Took a lot of pics!!!=)))
I dun noe how does the food taste like, cos I almost nv eat anything yesterday. No time to eat lah~~~LOL~~~But it is ok, I was not tt hungry~~~haha!!!XDDD
These were the hairpins on my head, I was shocked when I took them out~~~LOL~~

This is the cue card tt the prom IC made for us~~~soooo nice~~~=)))

This is the prize~~~=)))

And my number tag~~~
6.12.094:40 pm
Learning is much easier than teaching lor~~~
Went to my previous tuition centre to teach p2 and p3 chinese today. From 9 am in the morning all the way to 1pm plus, I am dame tired now~~~
Get up at 6am this morning and reach the tuition centre at 8. Quikly run through the lesson plan and start to teach the p2 class at 9. The class is rather small, only got 3 students. Plus there is one on MC, so only left 2 little boys. The one and half hour lesson seems to be very fast for me, I am busy with getting their attention. Two of them are totally opposite, one of them is hyperactive who sidetracks a lot, I have to answer his random questions and pull him back to the lesson~~~LOL! The other one is very quiet, he do all the exercise by himself and refuse to listen, I have to joke with him to make him listen to me and make him to write the strokes of the chinese character in the correct sequence~~~hahahaha~~~ I really hope I have a twin sister lor, then she can help me juggle them~~~LOL!!XPPP Despite the jokes and sidetracks, I actually manage to finish wad I have to finish, only a few exercises left for them to do as homework~~~hahahaha!!! I am dame happy!!! hoho!!! ^o^
Immediately after tt is the p3 lesson. This is the lesson tt concerns me. The class size is small, only got 3 students, but their standards are very different. Two of them taking Chinese as a third language and they dun noe how to speak chinese at all, so I have to teach the whole class in English. Got 1 Korean girl, she is going to be sec2 but she wants to learn chinese from the basic. She can write and understand a bit but she is very weak at reading and speaking, but she is still ok, at least her understanding level is still near the p3 level. Got one Myanmar boy who cannot read if there is no han yu pin ying, cannot understand without English translation. The Chinese passages are still easy to be translated, but the problem is tt his English is not very good also, so I have to use body languages to explain to him. Ahhh~~~ dame tiring!!! LOL!!!XDDD The other boy is a chinese lah, I am supposed to teach him in Chinese, but because of the 2 foreign students, I use English to teach the whole lesson. Ahhhhh~~~~ Furthermore, I only finish explaining the passages in tt one and half hour, there is no time for me to go through the exercises with them, so I just let them do all as homework lor. I am an evil teacher, am I?? ? hahahaha!!! >< Of course cannot like tt lah, must chiong with them the next lesson. I think I will just have seperate consultation with the Myanmar boy lor~~~
Stay back after the lessons and prepare some materials for the next lesson~~~ I just cannot help sleeping on the bus and I continue sleeping after I reach home~~~ahahahaha!!! ><
Haix!!!! Teaching is really not eash ah~~~~ but it is a very good experience lah!!!=)))
Jia you xiao chun!!! You can do it!!!=)))
3.12.0911:17 pm
it is over!!!
Yes!!! It is finally over!!!!XDDDD
Take a photo of my entry proof~~~

And then, this is the fate of my entry proof!!! hahahahaha!!!! Shuangzzzzz~~~~

Went to caroline's house to play guitar hero and mahjong!!! haha!!! Just realise tt our class ppl are all very interested in Mahjong~~~ hahaha!!! Next time for the "gems", we shall choose a mahjong module, if there is one~~~ hahahaha!!!XDDD