One year have past, I still can remember what happened exactly one year ago in the bloody cold hospital......
First time in my life tt death was so close. From then, I experienced how scary death can be. It took away the life of the person I loved without my permission and it made me cry in a deep despire. Thereafter, I live in anxiety, I am afraid tt it will again take away the lives of people around me and leave me alone in this world.
Started calling grandma very often this year, at least once a week. Everytime after the sunday church section, there would be a strong urge in me to call back. It becomed a habit of me to listen to gradma talking abt how she spent her week. I always think a lot after calling her.
She is very optimistic, I have to admit. She is trying hard to fulfil her day with gatherings with her old friends, watching TV, playing mahjong etc. Everytime I called her, she would talk abt who she met and where she went to play and what show she was watching, and she would tell me not to worry about her, she noes how to plan her life, how to take care of herself etc. She sounded happy and satisfied, but I dun noe whether her words make me reasured or make me even more worried.
I am happy tt she have things to do everyday, but when I visualize the fact tt now she have to walk to the place alone and walk back alone, or attending gatherings alone, I felt sad. It is very hard to adapt lonely life when alr get used to be accompanied. There is no one to talk to when she cannot sleep at night......
I kept thinking whether she is really happy or she said all those just to reasure me. My heart hurts everytime, when I think abt grandpa, she should be the same as me bah......
I could feel tt in this year, her memory and hearings were getting worse and worse, and now I am really scared......
I will go back in Jan next year, just in time to celebrate her birthday with her. I promised grandpa tt I will spend more time with grandma. If the wheather is ok, I will bring her to some other places to travel!
Still, missing my dearest gradpa......
Yes Alevel is going to end soon!!!! Only left Bio MCQ liao!!! hahaha!!! Though I felt it tt way after the hard core~~~hahahaha!!!!><
Went to Kbox with Yang lu and Zhou jing straight away after our H3 paper on Wed!!!!hahahaha!!! We were dame high!!! wowo!!! I nv go Kbox for half of a year alr!!!! Ahhhh~~~ ROAR~~~~
Haha! Anyway, I think only 3 of us can accept the songs we sang. Cos we were singing all those very very very old songs!!!!! Like 邓丽君,孟庭韦,童安格's songs, haha!!! Super you3 feel!!!! hahahahaha!!!!=))))
Minus away the irritating durian uncle and the rude boys, it would be a perfect day!!!! Went for shopping with zhou jing after our Kbox section. Both of us spent great deal of money in a shop in Heeren!!! Zhou jing was shocked by the way I shopped. She was the second one, the first one was Lithong. Anyway, both of them shop with me when I nv shop for more than 3 months, so , u noe, must use my savings to exchange some goods lah~~~ hahahaha!!!><
Start hunting for prom dress today (actually is yesterday), haha!!! I am really dame tired of finding dress!!!! Y girls have sooooo many choices, y got soooo many nice dresses and y the prices are also very "nice"~~~~~Ahhhhh~~~~ I am confused, I find myself in a paradox or an irony. It is very troublesome!!!! Nvm, the stamina and patience of girls' become very good when it comes to shopping!!! hahahahaha!!!=))))
Went to eat dinner with my mum's friend, who is also my boss last time! Her son was very cute!!!! He gets more and more handsome everytime I saw him!!! haha!!!=)))) It was really funny today, the little boy kept asking his mum to bring me back home with them!!! hahahaha!!! My mum asked him:"你要养姐姐啊?" Guess wad, he said yes leh!!! LOL!!! hahahaha!!! Then he was saying tt he will buy a house for his mum, another one for my mum and another one for me~~~ahhahahaha!!! Then my mum started to suan me, cos she recalled tt I said sth similar when I was young!!! haha!!! KK!!! I will remember tt!!! Have to work hard for houses!!! Yes start early!!!=))))
I think the little boy got the camara-shy problem!!! LOL!!! ><