29.9.098:16 pm
One last break b4 As~~~
Prelim is finally over, just had a 2-hour sleep in the afternoon, it is a luxury for me at this point of time~~~ hahahaha~~~ However, I am still in the state of half awake~~~LOL!!!
The real battle will start tml, it will not be a good start cos I am going to get back my GP~~~ Ahhhh!!!!! But nvm, no pain no gain mah!!! Jia you!!!!=)))
Btw, went for medical check up today, how should I say, I almost fainted there lah~~~
Basically, I wanted to noe whether my stomach got any problems or not, cos I dun feel like eating during the exam period. This was nth big, but the doctor suggested me to do like more than 6 blood testings lah, even including kidney functions, liver functions etc??? And the doctor keep showing off his chinese and talk non sense to me instead of asking wad is wrong with me!!!!
I asked the doctor, only need to draw the blood once right? He said yes and he took out 3 test tubes and 1 ultra big syringe, I was shocked, scared and amazed, but alr agree to do the blood tests, just let the doctor draw blood from me lor, I just close one eye lah. Who noes it was more amazing after tt. I could feel the needle being injected into my arm, the pain was ok if I dun face it. I was waiting and waiting for the doctor to get it done, but it took very long for him to finish, so I turned around to see how was the progress.
Guess wad I saw, the doctor pulled the syringe all the way to the end alr, but there was only 1/3 volume of blood and a lot of bubbles. And wad happened next make me want to faint. The doctor pushed and then pulled the syringe one more time to draw more blood, but it did not work. I was shocked. Did he try to kill me by injecting air into my vein???!!!
Finally the needle was removed and I felt relieved. Well , I was wrong. The doctor transfer 2/3 of the blood to one of the test tube and the rest to another one. He said tt the blood was not enough, need to draw one more time. I had a strong feeling of being cheated.
Luckily, the doctor finally give up, he directed me to another female doctor. I looked calmed but was celebrating inside, ahhahahaha!!! The female doctor checked my blood pressure, heart beats etc. And tt was when I realised I was there for medical check up. But finally still need to draw blood again. The doctor throw away the half filled second test tube and took out a new one. This means she is going to draw blood for two test tubes this time. Ahhh~~~~I really hope I won't faint half way through the drawing of blood lor.
This time was actually quite ok, the syringe was much smaller and the doctor looked much more professional. I turned around again and when I turned back, the doctor was alr done with the blood drawing, there was no bubble in the syringe and the volume was enough for the two test tubes.
The check up was considered as done, and the bill was also amazing but I dun have energy to care abt it alr, still pity the 2 syringe of blood tt I have lost. Went to eat red bean dessert immediately after tt, hope i can produce enough blood cells to replace the blood lost bah. 5555~~~=(((
Shall off to sleep alr, very tired~~~
25.9.092:34 pm
Some thoughts~~~
I cannot help thinking abt a lot of things when I was mugging recently, maybe tt is why my mugging sections are not very effective.
Dun noe y, a lot of little things can make me think a lot!
Mum was telling a news she read recently. A girl from XX university commit suicide because she realise tt life is meaningless. Mum was saying tt this was so absurd, how come all the young ppl have this kind of mentality.
I did not say anything, but inside me, there are a lot of voices. Was studying Existentialism in chinese lit recently, I was highly convinced by the ideology. It is true in some sense tt life is meaningless cos there will not have any form of evidence of our existence after we died.
Life is full of estrangment, cos no one can really understand us as they are not us. Life is also full of nothingness and anxiety, and tt is the feeling when estrangment come into our life. In conclusion, life is full of absurdity. Every existing thing is born without reason, prolongs itself out of weakness and dies by chance.
These theories are logical and they make sense, but tt does not mean we can just give up our lives. Yes our existence is meaningless cos ultimately we will become ash and diappeared in the world. However, living is not just abt ourselves, it is more of a form of responsibility to the ppl we love and the ppl love us. Tt is y i dun believe tt living for ourselves can make us enjoy life more. When we were young, we study hard in order to persue our own dreams. When we grow up, we work hard cos tt is sth we find meaningful or interesting. But have we ever think abt wad gives us the motivation? It is not our dreams or the works, it is the responsibility inside ourselves tt motivate us and enable us to survive any difficult situations. We study hard, cos we dun want to upset our parents and we work hard, cos we want to give the next generation the best. They are the ppl we love and love us, so it is a kind of responsibility to continue living for them.
These philosophical thinkings are recondite, but wad confuse me most is religious staff. The Existentialism thinks tt there isn't any almighty powers in this world, but i deeply believe tt there is sth higher than human. I am not really a free thinker but I dun really have a religion. I know the ideology of more than 2 religions as a form of knowledge and sometimes just cannot help believing in them, so there are more than 2 religion ideologies inside my mind and I keep thinking abt them. There are definitely similarities of them and there are also differences, and tt is time I am confused. I am not thinking abt which one is correct which one is wrong, but I am thinking why there are such differences.
Tt are just some random thoughts of mine. I noe I should not think too much at this pt of time, but sometimes my mind is just out of control. Maybe we dun need an absolute answer for everything so there is no need to think too much bah~~~~~~
Study hard and pls CONCENTRATE!!!!
6.9.095:40 pm
My 19th, in the midst of mugging~~~
The post is just for future reference~~~
This is how I look like when I am 19~~~ a full time mugger~~~

And this is my life when I am 19~~~totally no life~~~
Things to be taken by my brain b4 As~~~

Being shocked by the amount of work everyday~~~

And feel like mental blocked everytime I see these~~~
Sometimes, I just wanna surrender my soul~~~
And sometimes, I just died the half way~~~
Then SCREAM~~~
Then, I am in a deep thought and self reflection~~~
At last, MUG MUG MUG!!!!!!! Ahhhh~~~~~~~~~
Nevertheless, thank you, my dear friends for ur birthday wishes! We must jia you together ho!!! =)))
A few more months left!!! Ah jia ah jia fighting!!! Chiong ah!!!!!!!XDDD
As usual, song of the day, for myself!=)
Ps: I suddenly realise tt 19 th is actually a very important birthday, cos after tt I will not be addressed as teens alr~~~saddd~~~consider as old ppl liao~~~5555~~~~TOT!!!