23.11.085:27 pm
I am going to fly away tml liao, will be back on 16th Dec lah!!! haha!! May not be able to blog during this period of time. Let this song accompany my blog bah!! hehe! I do spend a lot of time on the colouring ah, see sooo beautiful, tt are the true colours of my life lor---the colours of the rainbow!!!=)))
Just realised tt, recently the songs I shared on my blog were all those kind of 疗伤情歌, haha!! Yeah, I have alr decided!!! Just let me sort out myself during this holiday bah! There will be a very organized Fu Xiao Chun coming back, who will continue live with the true colours of her life!!! =DDDD
3:53 pm
Countinue shopping today, haha!!! These are my trophies after 2 days of shopping!!! Emmm~~~ satisfied, and I am sooooooo exicted tt I am going back tml!!! WOWOWOOOOO!!!XDDDD

Haha!! Anyway wad happened today make me feel tt 好人有好报!!!=)))
I took the MRT at tampines this morning. The train was not very empty, but I managed to get a seat!! haha!!=)) Then I saw a couple with a small child, I just gave my seat to them and standed in the middle of the train. Very qiao3, the person sitting in front of me got down the next stop, so I got a seat again!! haha!! I was quite surprise, cos for the past week, I have been taking MRT from Tampinese to Boon lay everyday, I nv got a seat sooooo early and I had experienced standing all the way from Tampines to Boon lay de leh!!
I sat there for a short while, thinking of the saying 好人有好报! haha!! It was true lah!! While I was stoning, got one ah gong got on the train, I gave my seat to him immediately. I was missing my grandpa badly at tt instant, just hope tt next time if he needs to take bus or wadever public transport, there will be ppl giving seat to him!!!=)))
Well, I went to the action ciry in plazza sin again today, bought some eye massagers for my cousins and friends, cost abt 30 plus bah. I was asking the shopkeeper whether they have any member card or not, he said tt must spend 50 dollors at one time to get tt member card. I was asking him whether I could get one or not, cos I spent 20 plus yesterday. He said cannot, so I was like ok lor!! But who noes, he went to take the form for me to fill in, haha!! Soooo lucky of me, keke!!! I am a member of Action city liao!! keke!! Got 10% discount leh!! hehe!!! XDDDYes, the whole family only lack me and my mum liao!!! haha!!! My cousin had alr gone back from Germany liao!!! Haha!! Tml the ppl in the pic can gather together liao!!! Finally, the whole family can gather together without anyone missing after 5 years, if I am not wrong!!! haha!!!=DDDDDI AM SOOOO EXITED!!!! haha!!! XDDD
22.11.088:30 pm
I am flying off soon~~~
Going to fly back to si chuan the day after tml~~~I am happy, 3 years nv go back liao leh!!! At the same time, I am also scared, scare tt I will be very sad to see the ruins instead of the beautiful mountains and rivers in my dream......Was sorting all those doc the whole day. Went out to buy souvenirs this evening, bought a very cuteee massager from action city for my grandpa!!! =)))Ok, shall share some songs here, long time nv share songs liao!! haha!! >,<一个人勇敢卓文萱你想要的我不明白明明可以爱得很自然两个人世界多简单就是我爱你你爱我不难你还是离开你的决定与我无关我能理解我不会责怪这是你给我的答案你要我接受却还要我等待等不到一个未来我不相信爱很难没有一点温度残留下来你失踪的爱我的幸福跟你离开谢谢你那么坦白原来失去以后比较愉快不会再伤感你的决定与我无关
你带走了爱我在原地不曾离开谢谢你让我明白原来失去以后比较愉快我学会灿烂一个人勇敢Gotta go my own waytroy&gabriella i gotta say what's in my mindsomething about usdoesn't seem right these dayslife keeps getting in the waywhenever we try,somehow the plan is always rearrangedit's so hard to saybut i've gotta do what's best for meyou'll be ok..i've got to move on and be who i ami just don't belong herei hope you understandwe might find our place in this world somedaybut at least for nowi gotta go my own waydon't wanna leave it all behindbut i get my hopes upand i watch them fall everytimeanother colour turns to greyand it's just too hard to watch it allslowly fade awayi'm leaving today'cause i've gotta do what's best for meyou'll be ok..i 've got to move on and be who i ami just don't belong herei hope you understandwe might find our place in this world somedaybut at least for nowi gotta go my own waywhat about us?what about everything we've been through?what about trust?you know i never wanted to hurt youand what about me?what am i supposed to do?i gotta leave but i'll miss you(i'll miss you)so...i've got to move on and be who i am(why do you have to go?)i just don't belong herei hope you understand(i'm trying to understand)we might find our place in this world somedaybut at least for now(i want you to stay)i wanna go my own wayi've got to move on and be who i am(what about us?)i just don't belong herei hope you understand(i'm trying to understand)we might find our place in this world someday(world someday)but at least for nowi gotta go my own wayi gotta go my own wayi gotta go my own way
21.11.0810:21 pm
I am great!!! =))))
This is my nick name on msn now. Yes! I finally found sth tt made me feel tt I am great!!!=))
The 5-day media workshop just ended. I was really very happy in tt 5 days, very happy of the things I was doing, very happy to noe wad I really want to try in the future and very happy to make friends who have the same passion as me!!! =)))
Today was the last day, had our presentation in the afternoon. Our group won 2 prizes out of 4!! Haha!! Dame happy!! One was on the best web news, another one was on TV news which was the one I was doing!!! Haha!! XDDDD
Here is the link to our website:
The video will be uploaded to NTU website later, I shall share it the next time!!!=))))
Here are the prizes!!!XDDD

And here is my certificate!!! =DDDD

Ok, as I promised in the previous post, I will update abt our visit to mediacorp. Shall introduce my lovely group first!! We really like to take photos!! Haha!!=DD
This was a group photo taken in NTU AV room when we were trying the camera. 
My lao po was dame sweet lah, she printed out the photo for all of us and wrote messages behind!! Haha!! <333>

This was taken in our classroom, actually it was teachers' meeting room!! Haha!! XPP

This was taken in the lift!! Keke!!>,< 
Ok, this was the mediacorp TV station!!!=)))
At the receptionist, me, my老婆 and my 老婆's 情夫 (aka. my 情夫 gay partner) LOL!!! A bit complicating ho!!! haha!! =PPP
Our group photo there!!! =)))
Me, my 老婆 and our 2 daughters, emmm, btw the purple colour thingy was our child also ha!!! LOL!!! XPPPP
Grandaughter, 情夫, me, 老婆 and 2 daughters!! haha!! happy family!!<33
3 of us with our visitor passes!!! =)))
Ok lah, I squat down lah, can??? LOL!!! ><

Photo with the anchors of mediacorp!!! And y my eyes were closed ah??? Regret!!!!!! =((The typical sign of TV station---satellite, haha, huge leh!!!=)))

Journalists' office~~~~
Oh, this place was farmiliar, haha, it was the room where the 11pm news on channel U was broadcasted 
The background was just their office...
Me and 老婆 were enjoying the feeling of sitting there!!! haha!!!=PPP One day I will really work there de!! Jia You!!!><
Sth under tt table, dun noe wad were their functions~~~Sth on tt table~~~

The thing with the No.10 was a camera. There was a screen under it and a mirror above it, so the anchors could read the scripts reflected in the mirror, but when we see them on TV, they seemed like looking at us!!! Dame imba right!!! haha!!! =DDD

This was taken inside tt thing, haha!! Can show it was really a mirror!! LOL!!! =PPP

Ohh, this was the room where they edicted the videos!!!

A lot of TVs~~~~
Even more~~~~
This was the anchor of channel news asia, she was having broadcasting news. The TV was playing the video bah, then she could relax a bit there!! haha!! cool right!!!=)))
Show time liao, camera on and we can see on TV also!! haha!! =0
This was where the directors sit lah, they were not sitting in tt room but in some other rooms, they could control the whole thing!!! Wowwww~~~
Yeah, radio station!!! =))))

Emmm, high tech!!! haha!!=)))
983 DJ on air~~~~
933~~~wow~~~jia hui on air!!!

Jia hui again, off air!!!=)))
20.11.088:04 pm
I am the jornalist today!! haha!!
Had fun of being an journalist today!!!haha!!=)))The whole day was given to us to finish up our news report, internet news and 2 interview videos. I was mainly incharge of one of the video, so I had to write the scrip, find someone suitable to be interviewed and record the whole thing!!! Tt was not easy but really fun, I enjoyed it very much!!!=)))Btw, our internet news was abt birthday bullying, haha!! I could not help thinking abt all those poor guys in HCI who gonna flagpoled on their birthdays!! LOL!!
Still need write some pic discribtion for our internet news today, haha!! Tml is our presentation, shall share our group work here tml!! =))))
19.11.088:13 pm
Gonna tagged~~~~ TOT
Gonna tagged by my junior Wu Yue! Ah~~~~~ it is in chinese, so I shall sabo those very english pplzz!! Keke!! XPPPPRequirement:
1.被点到名字的要在自己日志里写下问题的答案,然后去掉一个你最不喜欢的问题,在 最后补加上传题者的问题,传给十个人,列出他们的名字,还要到他们留言板里通知他们----你被点名了.被点名者不得拒绝回答问题.答题者将会得到祝福.
2.这10个人要在自己日志里注明是从谁那接来的题,并再想一个问题,传给其他10人,让游戏继续下去,不得回传.被点到名字的人会得到 大家的祝福,并且所有美好的愿望会在不久的将来实现.3.完成游戏的人要通知你点名的人。Question:2.你觉得怎么样才算幸福?Love and be loved, of course must be the same person!!! <33334.你们能容忍自己的男(女)朋友交异性好友吗?Dun noe yet, no right to say anything. Maybe sometimes will get angry bah, cos 偶尔需要吃醋刺激味蕾, 好让你发现我是多么可贵. LOL!! haha 《酸甜》from SHE!!! =))))5.你会怎样打发无聊的日子?Emm, call friends, chat online, go out!!! ><6.遇到你真爱的人但他(她)不爱你,或者是他(她)有对象,你会放弃吗?Someone can answer for me!!! haha!! Ai~~~~~7.你相信这个世界上有真正属于自己的那个唯一的人吗?Dun noe leh, at least I havn't meet mine tt Mr Right bah!!=(((8.你最不能忍受最爱的人犯什么错?Dao me~~~~ 55555~~~~~9.心情不好你会怎么办?Sing like I am having an concert!!! haha!!! Shuangzzzz!!! XPPPP11. 你最铁的哥们(姐们)调走了你的男朋友(女朋友)你会怎么办?Not very possible lah, cos our tastes really different!! LOL!!!13.相信缘分这东西吗?怎么解释?yeah, but dun noe y I believe in it!!! haha!! 15.有没有可以回去的感情?Should have bah, women's hearts are made of chocolate, very de easy to be melted~~~~ haha!! LOL17.没有永远的朋友只有永远的利益你相信这句话么?NOOOOO!!!! I alr have a lot of friends tt I want to stick to the whole life!!! <333318.现在最大的心愿是什么?For me to noe but not for you to find out!!! haha!! XPPP19.你觉得自己活着是为了什么?A lot of things~~~~~=)))22.你是期待未来还是想回到过去?为什么?Both lah, future is always worth to look forward to, and past is always worth to recall...... =)))25.你最快乐的时光是什么时候?Cannot judge lah, cos i am a very easily satisfied person, sooooo~~~~ haha!!27. 女人抽烟你会反感么?Yes!!! Especially all those very pretty girls, I will feel very de pity leh!!29. 你是一个现实的人么?Errr, my mind is but my behaviour is not~~~ haha!!! >,<33.未来你想过怎样的生活?Tai tai~~~ haha!!! No lah, actually just simple life but my family must be very very very de sweet!!! <333334.说一个自己的致命弱点。Stubbon~~~~~ ai, no medicine to cure me liao!!! 5555~~~~35.相信男女之间建立在暧昧之上的纯友谊么?分析。。Errr, dun really get the question......>.<36.上帝出现在你面前,你最想跟他说的一件事情是什么?I love you!!!! <333338.你有看到第一眼就讨厌的人吗? 为什么呢?Errr, actually no leh, I dun judge ppl depend on appearance, but I will observe ppl around me very carefully lah, can see through ppl very easily bah, cos i am famous for my observing ability!! hahahaha!!! ^o^40.喜歡出國嗎?Yes!!!!!!!=)))))41.大傢對一夜情的看法Can accept, but it won't happen to me, very sure!!!42 what is the most significant challenge that society faces today.Errr, lame. I think is the no of females bah~~~~~ LOL!!!43 How do you express ur interest in someone you like?Emm, use music lor, dun you think it is romantic!!! hahahaha!!! LOL!!!OK, the ppl I want to tag:Yokie, Brandon, Elize, Germ, Zhou Jing, Deer, Yu ying, Jin Dao, Zoe, Valencia!!!Haha!! Take it as a good opportunity to learn chinese bah!!! =))))Btw, went to visit Mediacorp today!!! Haha!! I am very exited now!!! I want to work there!!! haha!!! Jia you Xiao Chun---- the future anchor!!! haha!!! XPPPShall upload the photos next time, still need to prepare for the interview tml!!! =)))
18.11.088:10 pm
Fruitful day!!! =)))
Haha!! Today wass such a fruitful day!!! =)))
Got to know abt the history of the Chinese media in Singapore this morning. Surprisingly the 南洋商报 had the same birthday as me, but it was on 1923.9.6 lah, much older than me!! LOL!! XPPP
Also got to know the criteria of being a Chinese journalists in Singapore. Well, I could only say it would be very difficult, cos the journalists must be very good at both English and Chinese. I thought Chinese journalists only need to be good at chinese, but the professor said tt the journalists had to interview ppl in English and wrote the reports in Chinese. WOW, tt was really not easy!!!
吴庆康( a very famous journalist of 联合早报) came to talk to us abt his experience of being a journalist of the supplement of a newspaper, and tt was really fun lor!!! I tend to like this kind of articles rather than all the latest news or wadever. I think it will be very fun to write for the Life section of the newspaper lor!! haha!! If I had a choice I would probably wrote for fashion and music lah!! haha!!=DDD
Here is a photo with him, can't imagine he is 43 alr!!! Wow, still sooo fashionable!! haha!! >.<

Then after lunch, we had DJ 梁平from 958 to give us a talk abt being a DJ. The voice of the DJ must be very nice lor!!!! Emmm!!
After tt was 吕诗琳, an anchor from Media Corp, she was really very pretty and skinny lor. It was my second time to listen to her talk liao, last time was in the CLEP writing camp, but this time had more chances to ask her questions lah!! =)) Being an anchor is sth I want to try, it is challenging, but it is sth interesting to me lah!! haha!! =))))
Visit Singapore Press Holding office this afternoon, it was rather high class!! haha!!! XDDD Had a talk abt the new media there. The speaker was from Omy.sg, she introduced to us a lot of fun things on tt website lah. There was this wishing tree, where u could write ur wishes to ur friend. I was picked to demo there, LOL!! I could only remember Yang Lu's email lah, so was forced to write a wish for her!! haha !!! XPPPP The idea was really not bad leh, and the website was quite cutee!! haha!! =)))
Can see my wish here (NO.766) ;
This was given in a goodie bag, haha!! In order for u to see how big the hand is, I put my hand there for u to compare!! haha!! >< 
And yeah, support Omy!!! <333
17.11.087:47 pm
GSC is over liao!!!!! hahahaha!!
GSC is finally over!!! Yes I dun have to see all those awful issues next year liao!!! Hahahaha!! LOL!!! Was dame sleepy this morning lah!! Got up at 5;30, was planing to study a bit of GSC on the bus to sch but some how was too lazy to take out the notes from my bag when I sat on the bus. Haha!! Luckily the questions were not difficult lah, still could crap a lot!! haha!! XDDD Need to rush down for the media workshop at NTU after tt. It was rainning very heavily when deer and me reached the bus stop. 174 made us wait very long, but ok lah, it finally came!!!XPPP My bad luck started after I reached Boon Lay interchange!! Supposed to chang to 179 to the school of communication and information in NTU. Well, the bus took 30 mins to come, I was the first few waiting there, I realised tt the queue extended until the MRT when I stepped onto the bus!!! LOL!! Then I asked the bus uncle to call me when reach the XXX school. I just melted onto the seat near the bus driver, toooo tired alr~~~ Ok, then the bus took half an hour to travel around NTU, then back to the interchange again, wow!!! I went to ask the bus driver, where was the school. The bus uncle was very calm and said to me"Oh, sorry I forgot!" Ahhhhh~~~~~ I was like, ok nvm!!! Ahhhh~~~ Took 179 agian there, this time dun dare to doze anymore!!! Finally reached the school, but I missed the lunch break, they finished their lunch liao, no left over for me~~~~55555~~~~~ I nv consume anything from the early morning leh~~~~~ starving~~~~~ TOT With the empty stomach, I entered the room, the lecturer was half way through his lecture. It was abt how to write internet news, but sadly nothing went in my brain!!! The tea break was wonderful, I took it as my breakfast+lunch!! haha!!! XDDD The next lecture was abt photography, the speaker was from Lian2 He2 Zao3 Bao4. He was dame funny lah, he showed us a lot of funny things the photographer captured which nv appeared in front of the public b4. We kept laughing through out the one and half an hour lecture!!! haha!! =))) Being a phtographer could be very fun, cos there were alsways a lot of interesting things behind the screen, but it was really not tt easy to be a photographer!!! emmmm!!! It took me 2 hours to go back home from there, ahhh~~~ can't imagine I will spend 4 hours travelling everyday in the following week!!! ahhhh~~~~ Btw, I was watching Wu3 Lin2 Da4 Hui4 just now, I followed it every week lah, dun noe y I felt tt this week's one was the most exciting one though the teams were all out of the competition b4!! Was very touched by the passion of these ppl!!! =DDDD
16.11.089:47 am
Bored~~at home!!
I am such a good child these days!!! Stay at home and do my homework!!! Math is always the thing I start first, haha!! I am almost done liao!! haha!! Claps!!!! =DDD Next thing is Chem!! I shall chiong finish it b4 I go back!!!I seemed sooo enthusiastic abt my holiday homework, almost forgot tt I still got one last A level exam to take this year...... Tml, GSC!!! I shall start revise today!!! Jia youzzzzz!!!=))))Btw, my wound dry up liao!! I no need to wrap the huge, troublesome as well as A.A bandage liao!!haha!! XDDDD But when i went to church just now, it was rather painful when i kneed down lah!!! I was suffering while praying!!! 55555~~~~~~ TOTHaha, just randomly dig out this photo. haha!! Super diao3 lah!! keke!!! LOL!! This was taken on 1st or 2nd June, in the writing camp for CLEP students!! haha!!<3333This is my gang: Germ, Elize and Joyce C at the back and me in front!! haha!! Still got another 2 lah, but they no need intro liao, alr very well-known liao!! LOL!! One very de random, another one very de blur!! LOL!! haha!! XDDD

Song for today 女生我最大 from 杨丞林. As I promised Elize tt I would share songs abt nv renz on my blog!! haha!!! Another one here!! Dedicate to my gang again!! Add oil for GSC tml as well as every other things!!! >,<
We must behave as diao3 as we look in the pic!!! haha!! XPPPP
怎能不爱你 baby
怎能不挺你 baby
it's for girls only
我怎能不爱你 baby
怎能不挺你 baby
it's for girls only
怎能不爱你 baby
怎能不挺你 baby
it's for girls only
我怎能不爱你 baby
怎能不挺你 baby
it's for girls only
怎能不爱你 baby
怎能不挺你 baby
it's for girls only
我怎能不爱你 baby
怎能不挺你 baby
it's for girls only
14.11.0810:03 am
Mum forced me to stay at home and dun wrap my wound these days...... bored~~~TOTLuckily, I am a self-entertained person, haha!!! Had fun of being a 宅女!!! keke!! XDDDDWas doing my math holiday package while listening to all those new songs tt I downloaded recently. Music made my day!! haha!! SHUANG!!!Was also playing around with my 校内(sth similar to facebook). Almost all my friends stepped in uni alr, how come all of them suddenly became sooooooo pretty ah, and seemed like all in pairs liao!!! LOL!! Saw all the photo comments they gave me lah!!! Wad the hell, why the young ppl those days became sooooo direct ah, can be more implicit or not ah??? I alr did a lot of reflection on my weight liao, and I ate very little carbohydrates everyday liao.Ahhhh~~~~ It was not my fault lah, it was the stupid hormone again~~~ I added almost 10KG in these 3 years in Singapore leh!!!!!!!!55555555555555~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TOT!!!! The saddest thing was tt I ate very little compare to the amount of food I ate at home, but~~~~~ AHHHHHH~~~~~~ 水土不服Ah!!!!I am homesicker now!!!!!!!!!!I want to go back like NOWWWWWW and: 我要减肥!!!!
12.11.085:25 pm
Went back to school for the boring GSC lesson this morning.
Zhou Jing told me tt she did sth last night which made me praise her for her cleverness for the first time!!! haha!!! Well done noob, and continue!!! Jia you!!!=)))
Left school at abt 11:50, reached the cafe which I spent my whole afternoon there at abt 2:20!!! WOWWWW!!! Seriously:
11.11.085:48 pm
poor me~~~
Today was Mum's off day, so I stayed at home with her. We were tooooo sian alr, then we decided to make dumplings together. haha!!<333>.< Mum was playing around with the flour and I was having fun chopping the cabbage!! keke!!! XDDD
Chopping was a very good exercise, both physically and psychologically!! LOL!! I was very shuang3, seeing the big huge cabbage being chopped down into small tiny pieces by me. haha!! In order for me to experience the shuangness better, I used two knives!!! haha!!! Mum was saying tt I looked like a butcher. But I dun care, myself shuang3 liao, can alr!!! hahahaha!!XDDD
But dun try this without professionals beside you, cos you may chop yourself...... Ai~~~往事不堪回首~~~5555~~~~ TOT
Anyway, I was clean my wound today. Since I stayed at home I just lazy to wrap it, but who noes, the water kept coming out. This prooved tt my white blood cells were very hard working and effective lor, the person getting blood I donated will be very lucky, hahahaha!!! XPPP But the yellowish water was really troblesome, I was forced to wrap it lor!!! Ahhhh~~~~
Btw, mum was saying tt I wrapped nicer than the doctor, can be a nurse next time!! haha!!LOL!!! It was really funny ah, mum!!! I nv consider a job in hospital lah, I alr very uncomfortable seeing my own blood, if I see blood everyday, I think I will straight away faint there lor!!! LOL!!!
This is how poor me look like these days--- with a huge bandage around my left knee!!! 5555~~~XCCCCC 
10.11.086:51 pm
What happen to me??? Ahhhh~~~~
Went to see doctor again, but not the same reason as last time..... What happen to me ah??? Why soooo you3 yuan2 with doctors these few days ah???Today was actually because I fell down from the bus yesterday!!! TOT!!! After hanging out with deer and Zhang lao shi, I took the bus home as usual. I was wearing my mum's heels, and it was not my size lor. The skins of my toes were barked off by the heels after standing for the whole morning, I was suffering with each and every step!!! 5555~~~ The bus finally reached the stop I supposed to drop off, I walked to the door slowly, tapped my EZ-link card and walked down the staircase. Well, the dramatic act happened. My heels were stucked at the door, and me, the pig, flight out of the bus and fell onto the bus stop. The ending pose was like a pig, 4 limbs all touched the floor......The bus stopped for a while, but I rather it nv stop lor, the whole bus of ppl were looking at me at my most 'glamorous' moment!! 5555~~~~~ TOTLuckily there was only 2 ppl at the bus stop lah, and they were sooo nice, they helped me up and asked me to rest on the bentch there. Gosh, I barked my knee in the fall, and it was bleeding. Painful leh~~~~~ ahhhhh~~~~~I washed the wound with water and put a plaster by myself. When I waked up this morning, my god, the whole paster was wet leh!!! There was some yellowish-water like the pus coming out from the wound, and the parts around the wound were all red and swollen.... soooo err. I think there was some infection bah!!! Ai, my dear white blood cells might have a hard time fighting with the bacteria last night~~~~Mum was asking me to see the doctor, so I went to the clinic downstairs my house. The doctor was very careful, he helped me check whether other parts of the body was hurted also. I was lying on the bed there, seeing the doctor prepared some solution to help me wash my wound. The doctor:" It will be a bit painful ha."Poor Chun:" Oh, ok!"The docgtor started to clean the wound for me. 2 mins later......Retarded Chun:" Oh, it was not tt pain lah! haha!!" :)))The doctor:" Oh, really? If you can stand the pain, then I help you clear off the black parts on the wound ha!!" =)))Noob Chun:" Oh, ok! Thank you!!!" :)))The doctor changed to both hand, one hand pressed down my leg, one hand used the cotton wool to wipe off the dirty things on the wound off. Poor Chun:" Ahhhhh~~~~~"At the same time, the leg of poor chun raised up ( a more appropriate word is kicked bah ) in the air, the doctor reacted very fast and stepped back a few steps. The doctor dun dare to use the solution to clear the wound for me liao, 5555~~~~ Dun noe how many times I apologized after tt lah~~~~The doctor put some cream onto the wound and wrapped the bandage around my knee. He gave me a tube of cream and a bottle of tt solution, asked me to change twice a day.Wow, these are the medicines I have to apply or eat in the following 1 or 2 weeks time. It probably take me one hour each time to apply all these medicines bah, if everyday twice, tt means I have to spend 2 hours everyday on all these~~~~ Ahhhh~~~~~
Btw I started to do my holiday hw liao. Was study with Zoe today in the cafe again. Today we were really studying lah. Talked a bit but not tt much. haha!!! I suddenly remember the coffee we drank last time. Yar they are here......This was the one I ordered last time, it looked very nice and actually it was!!! The middle layer was the very dense and pure coffee, while the last layer was some sweet coffee. When mixed every thing together, the taster was quite unique. It was super sweet in the mouth, but when you swallowed it to the throat, it was dame bitter. Zoe was saying tt, taste of life!! haha!! True lah!! =)))
The cup was dame small, but it took me 3 plus hours plus 4 slices of bread to finish tt tiny cup lor. I was complaining why my one soooo small when I first saw Zoe's and mine, I felt like being cheated, cos the pic on the menu nv show it was this small cup. Anyway, it was nice lah!!! haha!!=DDD
9.11.085:23 pm
live for myself
Today is a fruitful day!!! haha!!! =)))
Went for the reopening ceremony of Ee He Xuan in the morning. There were 6 of us standing under the sun with the thick blazer, just stayed at there for abt 10 mins, I could feel tt my white shirt was totally wet!! LOL!!
While I was sweating like a dog there, the person in charge asked me to pin the flowers onto the collar of the guest of honor when they reached later. And you noe who was the guest of honors? Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam!!! Wowooooo!!! LOL!!! While I was waiting there, one of the photographer came to talk to me, he was dame funny lah, he asked me not to shake my hand when I pined the flowers up cos I would be captured in the picture, then he paused for a while and said tt, only hand!!! LOL!!! I was like -_-'''
Was quite surprise tt Mr Tharman drived the car by himself, and he and his wife were both very gentle and kind!!! =))) Mr Tharman could write his chinese name very neatly leh, some more in the complecating traditional chinese form!!! Wow, impressed again!!! haha!!
Anyway, tt was not the most important thing for today. Me and deer went to talk to Zhang lao shi whenever there was free time, and we even hang out at the cafe near sch after the event!! Haha!! Really have to thank Zhang lao shi a lot, I really benefited a lot. Zhang lao shi is really very pro at all those psychological problems of young girls at this age!! haha!!!
After talked to Zhang lao shi for soooo long, I was finally clear tt wad was my position in my life now. All these I am experiencing now are valuable experiences of one's life. Everyone will experience it and it will make us grow up!!! =))))
I think I will try to find back the dreams tt I had abandoned in the year 2008, the self tt I had lost unconsciously and the wisdom tt I used to have and I should have as a independent girl!!!=))) Zhang lao shi also felt tt I lacked of confidence, well this was actually quite true, it was stated in my horoscope character also. I think I will try to substantiate myself a lot and a lot and just have the courage of being myself no matter wad the others say!!! =)))))
Ohh, I think I probably can go for the mediacorp camp liao, cos my grandpa was quite ok these days!! haha!! Soooo happy abt tt. I think I really need to take this opportunity to consider my future carefully. Mass media is sth interesting to me, but I dun noe whether I can manage it or not. Maybe I can have a better idea after tt camp!! haha!! =)))
Song for today, 女孩当自强, from SHE. Dedicated to my gang. Yes, we all must be independent nv ren with huge wisdom!!! =)))
拜托眼泪又不是钻石珍珠一直在哭难道你能一夜之间暴富是谁告诉你有王子这动物还不如你自己骑上白马比较靠谱失恋失去所有美丽的错误快开香槟为你能够死里逃生庆祝没错就是不合身的衣服赶快脱掉换身行头再去爱里跳舞我知道你定有一点辛苦但我们的心都要坚固告别了错的人不算输使我们更加靠近幸福爱情卷起万重浪越危险的游戏越让人全力以赴我们女孩当自强可以小鸟依人也能自我保护大不了受一点伤昨天的伤口会变成明天的礼物会让我们更漂亮top girl都要做自己救世主top girl都要做自己救世主看吧天还是会亮会再日出粉身碎骨剧痛之后就能脱胎换骨浪费时间饲养青蛙当宠物狠下力气自顾拯救全宇宙的动物失恋失去一个懦弱的叛徒快放烟火为下一次遇见英雄欢呼没错赶快穿上更美的礼服带上微笑从从容容再去爱里跳舞你知道你定有一点辛苦但我们的心都很坚固结束了错的梦不算输是我们值得更加幸福爱情卷起万重浪越危险的游戏越让人全力以赴我们女孩当自强可以小鸟依人也能自我保护大不了受一点伤昨天的伤口会变成明天的礼物会让我们更漂亮top girl都要做自己救世主谁怕爱情万重浪越危险的游戏更让人义无反顾我们女孩当自强是最勇敢坚强也最温柔贤淑不用谁施舍阳光好的坏的都是收获不是包袱我们自己是太阳top girl就要做自己救世主
8.11.0810:03 pm
High school musical 3 <3333
The person pangseh me for High school musical 3, you have chosen a right movie to watch with ur ~~~ haha!! LOL!!! You will enjoy it and being inspired!!! haha!!! =))))
I was bored of studying GSC at home, so I called Zoe out to STUDY in the cafe in tampines mall. Wow, we really can study together lor!! LOL!! Talked for dun noe how many hours, when we finally decided to study, Zoe randomly say to me tt she wanted to watch High School Musical 3, I nodded my head like some penguin. haha!! Then she put down her bag, take her wallet and asked me to wait there first, she needed to go and get the tickets first!!! Haha!! LOL!!
OMGGGGG, the show was really fabulous, tremendous and prodigious!!! haha!!! This made me wondering why I watch it with ZOEEEEEE, hahahaha!!! Joking, joking, heart ya and love ya a lot!!!<33333>
Troy and gabriella were soooo sweet!!!<3333
Tt was truly the high school romance lor!!! Me and Zoe just cannot help producing all those jealous noise through out the movie!! LOL!! Their grand night and prom night were just fantanstic, tt made me soooo excited for my grand night and prom night next year!!! Ahwowoooo!!! hahahaah!!! =))))
Disney films are just great, haha!!! The ads b4 the actuall show added some more movies on my my movie list!!! haha!! Recently there are a lot of animal shows, haha, omyyyy, cannot resist them, sooooo cuteeeeee!!! <333333
Btw, the coffee we had in the cafe were soooo strong, I dun felt like sleeping now~~~I took pics of tt really special coffee, shall blog abt tt the next time!! Omy, another long night for me!!! haha!! But nvm, I can study my GSC, it will be the most effective medicine for my insomnia. LOL!!! =PPPP
Tml will be the talk, both me and deer have no idea where it is at this pt of time, we decide to be there very early and ask all those 路人甲, where is the place lah!! LOL!!
12:22 pm
My old age
This is going to be random......Was reading my GSC, there is one issue abt the ageing population and how old ppl should plan their old age. The data says tt Americans start to plan for their old age at the age of 30 while singaporeans start at the age of 34. Haha, not much difference also!!!Nvm, I shall be the foresighted personnel, I shall start to plan for my old age now ---- at the age of 18!!!=)))Firstly, I think I will retire quite late bah, if I get a job I enjoy very much. haha!! I may retire after my first grandchild is born bah!!! haha!! LOL!!!Then, i will start to do wad a normal grandma suppose to do, tt is to help my daughter or son to take care of their children. The maid will be optional, depends on my children bah, if they want to employ a maid, I will be ok with it, but the maid will just be my assistant cos i will not want my grandchildren to be closer to the maid than me, I will be jealous!!! heihei!!! XDDDDDFor my own relaxation, emm, there will be a plenty of things I can do. Haha!!! I dun think I will be like my grandparents now ---- playing Mahjong with their friends everyday. Actually, it is because i still dun noe how to play Mahjong lah, though my hometown is famous for tt!! LOL!! I am not planning to learn tt anyway! haha!! But i do noe how to play cards lah, dun think I will addicted to tt also, play one or two hours each time is more than enough for me liao!! haha!!Instead of all these, I think I will read my journals, my blog, my space, all those books i found nice when I was young, etc bah!! haha!! so, I will not sound like a memory-less person!! haha!! Btw tt is why I am trying sooo hard to record down my everyday in words, so that when i accidently lost my memory or what, i can have sth to refer to and have an idea of who i am and my life in the past!!!=))))I think I will continue listen to the Pop music, be a hip grandma, emm, i will probably get a karaoke system at home if i am rich enough bah. haha!! Cos it will be quite embarrassing for an Ahma to own the Kbox member card and go Kbox very often!!! haha!!! LOL!!! Imagine me the grandma arguing with my grandchildren on which singer or which song is better while my old fashioned daughter or son is still thinking abt wad are all these!! hahahaha!!! LOL!!When I have a plenty of own switch time in my old age, i will also go and learn some new things lah, like musical instruments such at guitar, drums, keyboard etc, all those i wanted to learn when i was young but somehow no time to learn. But i think I will just rent the instrument and learn from the videos on the web bah. Cost feasibility will be a concern and it will be very embarrassing for me to join all these classes bah, haha!!! LOL!!!I think i will also grab the grandpa and my gang with their another halfs to do some exercise constanly bah, maybe once or twice in a week or maybe go join all those Taiji, salsa or kong fu classes lor!! haha!! Have a healthy lifestyle is very important for old pplzz!!! Emm, but from the condition now, it will be highly possible for me to be the person being grabbed instead of grabbing other ppl to do exercise. LOL!!! If there will be any Hip Hop classes for the elderly, I think my deer will grab me to join with her bah, though I dun think there will be such classes and I dun think I can still wave to the right and wave to the left at the age of 60 bah!!! Cannot imagine if my deer can still bboy when she is 50 or 60. haha!!! I think it will not be break dance le bah, it will be break bones instead!!! LOL!!!XPPPPHope all these will not be an imagination, many years down the road, when i read my this post again!!! hahahaha!!!=)))))