12.9.088:47 pm
one last post before promos
One last post before promos. For me as well as all of you:
That is all!!!=))))
Download it to ur handphones or meet me to get it bluetoothed to ur phones, save it as ur screen saver to remind u constantly what you should be doing!!!
Jia you for wadever exams u r taking!!!;DDD
7.9.0812:11 am
18 liao!!!^o^
I can buy 4D liao!! haha!!! LOL!!
Was planning to buy a 4D this morning, but I think I got up too early liao, then the NTUC downstairs had not open yet. Nvm, tml loh!! haha!! Just want to experinence the feeling when the person ask you for ur identity card. hahahaha!!
Anyway I got up at 6 this morning, rushed to NYGS at abt 8 am in the morning. On the bus, I received a lot of love messages from my dears, surprisingly there were soooo many early birds, haha, love them a lot!!<3333>
Was back to sch for MAF in the evening, the lights were nice. I took a lot of pics with my dears there. Everyone was sooo high when it came to the song and dance section!! haha!!
Anyway, I want to thank my goat deer for the surprise!!! haha!!<3333
Thanks zhou jing and joyce for the pretty necklace and the love letter!!! (pls kick me if I stone anymore haha!!!)
Thanks my dear xiao mei, xi yu for the DVD of the concert of my dear mr pig!!!=)))
Thanks my another xiao mei yuying for the cake, soooo sweet of you!!=))))
Thanks my fellow CLL classmate dian hua for the lovely teddy bear, it was sooooo cute!!=)))
Thanks my dear xiao di jin dao for the self composed song, I am sooo touched!!! haha!!=))
Thanks my dear wang xin, monkey, jelly, jun long, elize, mrs chan, mavis, germain, chen zhang, yifei, hao lun, brandon and many many more friends for ur precious birthday wishes. Thank you all once again for giving me the best day of my life!!!<3333>
Here are photos which can describe my wonderful day: 

5.9.086:11 pm
Last day of being a child
Today will be my last day of being a immature child, tml, there will be a brand new FU XIAO CHUN standing in front of u all!!!! hahahaha!!I will miss my childhood definately, but I will not regret of growing up, I will not afraid of facing things an adult should face and I will not scared of making decisions for muself. Yup!! I will learn to be an adult instead a being an retarded, blur and nooby girl. But, today just let me do all sorts of things tt only children can do bah!!!haha!! Lollipops, potato chips, chocolate, ice-cream, toys, barbie dolls, teddy bears, tiaras, fairy tales and Prince Charming......^O^At this moment, I really:不想长大SHE为什么就是找不到不谢的玫瑰花为什么遇见的王子都不够王子啊我并不期盼他会有玻璃鞋和白马我惊讶的是情话竟然会变成谎话为什么幸福的青鸟要飞得那么高为什么苹果和拥抱都可能是毒药我从没想过有了他还孤单的可怕我突然想起从前陪我那个洋娃娃我不想我不想不想长大长大后世界就没童话我不想我不想不想长大我宁愿永远都笨又傻我不想我不想不想长大长大后我就会失去他我深爱的他深爱我的他已经变得不像他怎么会爱上别个她为什么水晶球里面看不出他在变为什么结局没欢笑而是泪流满面我愿意在他回来前继续安静沉睡但他已去到别座城堡吻另一双嘴为什么对流星许愿却从来没实现为什么英勇的骑士会比龙还危险我当然知道这世界不会完美无暇我只求爱情能够不要那么样复杂我不想我不想不想长大长大后世界就没童话我不想我不想不想长大我宁愿永远都笨又傻我不想我不想不想长大长大后我就会失去他我深爱的他深爱我的他已经变得不像他怎么会爱上别个她让我们回去从前好不好天真愚蠢快乐美好